Illuminati Bottiglie di Francesco

Nick has been corresponding with Francesco from Italy via email for the past several weeks.

Thankfully we have access to online translation sites like Babylon. :) Here is what Francesco sent us along with his awesome Italian made lighted bottles and glass block.
grazie per avermi inviato l’email non ho perso nessun Vostro contatto

le invio la foto di alcune bottiglie da me preparate spero che siano di Vos gradimento

colgo l’occasione per augurarvi un Buon Natale ed un prospero Anno 2013



English translation:
Hello, thank you for sending me the email i have not lost your contact. I’m sending you a photo of some bottles which i prepared, i hope that it will be of your liking. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous year 2013. Greetings, Francesco.

Baci LightedBottle
Italian Lighted Bottles
Lighted Glass Block

Francesco, we are delighted by your submission to our DIY Show Off page.

You have done a wonderful job! We especially love the unique looking bottle in the middle, not something you could easily find here.

We wish you and your family a very, merry Christmas celebration and a wonderful New Year.

Italian translation:
Francesco, siamo molto contenti della nostra pagina mostra FAI DA TE. Avete fatto un ottimo lavoro. Abbiamo, in particolare l’unico amore che bottiglia in mezzo, non qualcosa che si potrebbe facilmente trovare qui.

Auguriamo a lei e alla sua famiglia un buon Natale e un fantastico Anno Nuovo.

Nick and Silke

4 thoughts on “Illuminati Bottiglie di Francesco

    1. Diya,

      Here is a link to our instructional videos:

      The videos cover everything from drilling to decorating. Let us know if we can answer any questions. :)

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