Picture Vase Bottle Lamp

Every time we receive pictures from one of our readers we are amazed!

Every one of you has been able to create your own style and decorating ideas.

Take a look at Jackie’s new picture vase, she says “here is a vase I made for my daughter n law for her birthday, it has pictures all around it“.

Picture Vase Bottle Lamp
Picture Vase Bottle Lamp

What a thoughtful and truly unique Birthday present!
The lighted bottle with pictures and flowers turned out beautiful Jackie. We’re sure your daughter in law loves it. We certainly do!

Do you have a DIY project you would like to show off?
Send an email to contact@jagerfoods.com with your picture(s), your name and a description and or any tips you would like to share with us and our readers. If you have a blog you can also include the web address and we will link back to you.